Wednesday, August 15, 2012

1st day back

Well today was our first day back.  I have 21 first graders this year (so far).  Our day started off with putting ALL of our supplies away.  That took about 30 minutes at least.  LOL  Then I go to turn on my smart board projector and it doesn't turn on!!!!!!   YIKES!!!  What am I going to do??  I decide panicking is not the answer and we go ahead and put the labels on our workbooks and then I got the kiddos coloring and decorating their name tags while I check all the cables for the computer.  I did find one that one cable was not plugged in but that didn't solve the problem.  So, I panicked a little more and decided that I couldn't do anything with it until recess.  By the time they got done coloring their name tags it was recess time.  They go outside.   Thank God i'm not on recess duty.  I go back to my room and climb on the desks and jiggle all the cords and make sure they are tight.  I unplugged the cord and plugged it back on.  To my delight, it came on.  I guess it was loose.  WHOO!!!!  So we did a little more with the smart board.  We played "How well do you know Mrs. Emery?" game and then I read First Day Jitters.  We had "Jitter Juice" to get rid of all our jitters of the first day.  Then it was already lunch time.  After lunch we read another book and went over the rules of school and class.  It doesn't seem like much but it took the whole day. 

I survived and so did the kids.  It's very hard to get back into the groove of things.  We also got a new math series.  My Math.  Anyone use it?  It seems really cool and all of it is online.  I'm very excited to dive into it and see all of the different activities it can do.

Well I guess I'd better get ready for bed so I can be revived for tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Getting Closer

I've been working in my room a few days last week and the past two days.  I think I have everything done in terms of decorating and setting up the class.  I just got all my books entered in the program "Classroom Booksource" website.  I love it but it did take a long time to get every book entered in the computer.  I've found out that i have over 800 books!!  WOW!  It really doesn't seem like I have that many but I guess I do.  (Don't tell my husband. ha ha)   I have to enter the students and they are ready to check out books from our classroom library.  This should be interesting.  I'm excited to introduce it to them and hoping they can catch on and learn how to check out books. 

Have you heard of the website "Xtra Math?"  It's a free math facts website.  The students get a password (4 numbers) and log in.  They take a pre test to see where they are at and then go from there.  It is strictly math facts.  1st grade focuses on addition.  If you haven't already, you need to go check it out.  I am hoping to get this started at the beginning of the year.

We go back to school on Monday but the students don't start until Wednesday.  Yesterday we had registration so I went up to the school to meet my students.   I'm excited to get this year started!! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Currently....(My first ever!!)

I'm linking up with Farley and doing my first ever "Currently."  I hope I do this right.  =)

I love my laminator!  I have laminated all kinds of things this summer.  I love finding new teacher resource books that I will be able to use throughout the year.